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Amendment 2 which specifies courts “must” rather than “may” consider these sources emanating from the UNCRC to aid their interpretation, while recognising
they're not determinative- has been agreed to
@agcolehamilton @MaryFeeMSP @AlisonHarrisMSP & Alexander Stewart MSP supporting
As @agcolehamilton put it- "The UNCRC does not act in a vacuum!" As such, amendment 51 has been agreed to! This will mean other UN treaties will be used to guide and clarify the UNCRC, & a wider human rights approach will be taken!
@MaryFeeMSP says "*all* human rights treaties are relevant to children." She says documents from all human rights treaty bodies should be used in interpreting children's rights.

We are glad to see amendment 51 has been agreed upon!

Scottish Government's amendment 7 has been agreed! This says courts need to look at general comments, concluding observations and other UNCRC sources when interpreting children's rights! 👏

"All children should have equal treatment, regardless of who is providing that service….This amendment will ensure private companies acting in a public nature will not be able to escape the UNCRC requirements" @MaryFeeMSP speaks to amendments 52, 9A, 9B

@MareeToddMSP speaks to amendment 9 which clarifies that organisations acting under a "contract or other arrangement" with a public authority will come within the scope of the Bill. She says this will mean "children's rights are fully respected, protected & fulfilled in Scotland"
Mary Fee's Amendment 53 (guidance for public authorities) is not pressed as Scottish Government says it will bring forward a "suitable alternative" at Stage 3.

@MareeToddMSP when talking about remedies for unlawful acts under the Bill👉 "if we are to truly realise children's rights... then public authorities must be ready to listen & recognise the significant power imbalance between children & public bodies!

"Children and young people face additional barriers in accessing justice - raising proceedings is more difficult - particularly for children with additional needs or facing violence and trauma" @MareeToddMSP says amendments 12-13 would create additional barriers.

What have we missed in the last few minutes?

Amendment 10 👉agreed to
amendment 11👉not agreed to
amendment 13 👉not agreed to
amendment 14 👉agreed to
amendment 15 👉not moved

You can find out what this may mean here 👉 

Also amendment 12 also was not agreed to! This means, the existing provision stands i.e. the one year "clock" for raising an action only begins to run when the child turns 18 🎂

@SP_EHRiC is now discussing whether to extend powers to bring or intervene in proceedings to the @ScotHumanRights. We fully support these amendments to ensure maximum protection for children’s rights.

@SP_EHRiC is now discussing the Children's Rights Scheme. In our Stage 2 briefing, we supported amendments which set requirements for the Scheme's contents- including child-friendly complaints processes, access to justice, independent advocacy services, legal aid (cont.)
....and steps to ensure the rights of children with protected characteristics or in situations of vulnerability

@MaryFeeMSP gave her rationale behind the amendment 54 put forward, stating it will strengthen the Bill, ensuring children have access to independent advocacy schemes.
🌟Amendment 55 sought to ensure children have access to legal aid
🌟Amendment 56 ensures all children have their rights, prospective and fulfilled, as it makes sure children with vulnerable characteristics have protection under the children's rights scheme.
@scotgov is considering how best to ensure the rights of children with protected characteristics or in situations of vulnerability under the Children's Rights Scheme. @MareeToddMSP says @scotgov will work with partners & may bring forward an amendment at Stage 3
We welcome the following amendments which have been agreed to, which strengthens the following aspects of the children's rights scheme:
🌟20-21👉emphasising progressive realisation of rights
🌟23👉child-friendly complaints
🌟24👉access to justice
🌟25👉strengthening transparency
@GillianMSP says children & young people were clear in the powerful evidence sessions she attended, that the need for child-friendly information and reports is called for. She says a child-friendly reports are required across the Bill

We welcome amendments to strengthen provisions on Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessments by: inserting a duty to "prepare and publish" (amendment 29-30) and remove a layer of ministerial discretion (amendments 33)

We welcome @scotgov's proposal to make the reporting duty ‘forward-looking’ by requiring
authorities to give details of actions planned for the next reporting period (amendment 37). This approach will
support the desired proactive culture shift anticipated by the Bill...
As @MareeToddMSP said, this will promote 'everyday accountability' for children's rights. 🧸

We are pleased to see amendment 49 has been agreed on, as this requires that reports be accompanied by a child-friendly version. This will support children’s participation rights under Article 12 UNCRC!

@MaryFeeMSP supports amendments 3-4 put forward by @AlisonHarrisMSP, as it insert the Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service, & Scottish Ministers in the exercise of their powers under the Prisons (Scotland) Act 1989 into the list of authorities required to report...

... @AlisonHarrisMSP emphasises that adult services can have a significant impact on children's rights - for example children affected by parental imprisonment!

@agcolehamilton @MaryFeeMSP @AlisonHarrisMSP & Alexander Stewart MSP all vote in favour of this amendment! 👏 #UNCRC
We're glad to see amendments 3 & 4 have been agreed on, as including these agencies within the scope of the reporting duty will make sure the best interests of children & families are at the ♥️ of all planning & policymaking within the courts & prison systems

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