@mirror_protocol should tokenize @ethereum ‘s gasPrice $mGwei. Here’s why (thread):
1/ Ethereum’s gas price is attractive to speculate on. Gas prices have been observed to be highly fluctuating every time a high-used dApp is released.
2/ $mGwei will be a way to invest in Ethereum’s actual usage and not its value from speculation.
3/ $mGwei will be easy to provide liquidity on (LP). Gas prices always converge to a certain range after peaks, reducing the impermanent loss risk of LPs.
4/ $mGwei is insanely composable. E.g. it could Allow dApp devs to hedge against gas price peaks through $mGwei-based options etc.
5/ An on-chain fast gas index is already being provided by @chainlink. Adding this oracle to @terra_money should be trivial work.
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