Some people’s ears prick up when a prominent left-winger is accused of racism against Jews - prompting them to they dive in for front line defence without a moment’s thought.

Two days later it’s “well I didn’t have all the facts” or “that was a long time ago” .... 🧵
Truth is your instinct kicks in when you wanna defend somebody.

Let’s call it digital fight or flight.

The problem isn’t that people are acting before they have all the facts, it’s that they don’t feel they need all of the facts before they act on instinct.
It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Ken Loach or Chris Williamson, the left doesn’t learn the lesson.

They don’t learn that they should be able to listen to Jews’ and Jewish groups’ concerns without second guessing them.
From what I’ve experienced, there are Labour Party members who don’t think twice before falling in line to defend a fellow traveller.

Because, to their mind, nobody who shares their stripes can do any wrong.

And, on balance, it’s likely these Jews and Jewish groups are lying.
For this to be your natural state of fight or flight is of grave concern.

It’s the same fight or flight that institutionalises racism and discrimination against any number of protected characteristics.
People do not need to actively think ‘I do not trust Jews’ in order for their subsequent actions to be antisemitic.
Jumping so readily to the defence of anybody accused of antisemitism, because of your innate disbelief that people on the left can’t be guilty of it, means you distrust Jews.
Maybe you don’t think of your distrust for Jews at the forefront of your mind, but neither did countless people who inevitably participated in regimes that tried to kill us.

And that, in a nutshell, is why we are constantly alert to antisemitism.
Ken Loach has a history of standing with antisemites and making antisemitic remarks.

He said of Holocaust Denial that ‘history is for all of us to discuss.’

He even penned a widely documented play that was littered with antisemitism and desecrated the memory of the Shoah.
People that ‘stand with him’ stand uncritically with all these things.

Roman Polanski made good movies and R Kelly made good music. Nobody should be standing anywhere near those two horrendous men.

Ken Loach’s art and filmmaking does not absolve him of his antisemitism.
Next time you see left-wingers uncritically rally round a prominent figure accused of antisemitism, ask yourself whether you actually have all the information, or whether you just don’t trust Jews.

Self-reflection is a core component of all anti-racism.
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