Commander of Parliament's Northern Association 1645-1647.
When researching him for 'The King's Spy' I was surprised by his adventurous, yet tragic life.
I'll share one 'Life of Sydenham' fact each day on this thread.
#history #histfic
Aged 16, when 'youth and rashness are of affinitie' Poyntz rejected life as a London apprentice which was 'little better then a dogs life and base'.
He resolved to 'live and dy a souldier' & ran away to Dendermonde in the low countries.
'Necessitie forced mee' to enlist in Lord Vaux's regt of English Catholics fighting in Spanish service.
In 1622, at the Bergen op Zoom siege, he was taken prisoner by English Protestants engaged in Dutch service - where, luckily, his uncle was an officer!
Aged 21, taken prisoner in Hungary by Turkish troops.
His possessions were taken, head shaved & he was sold as a slave to a Turkish cavalry officer called Bully Basha.
'My thoughts night and day was to runne away .. [but] my slavish habit would discry me'.
After 1 year, he escaped by letting himself down a 'hay-rope' & swam the Danube. He was recognised at Erlau & had 'a double bag full of filth, earth, and stones' tied around his head & marched back to his master and given 300 blows to the soles of his feet.
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