a thread on $RGT and the innovation of Fuse, Tanks and L2 solutions

First of all what a great initiative of @Dcfgod to start this event! Bare in mind i'm not a highly technical person, but I am passionate about this project and will try to make it as easy to digest for anyone.
Fuse this, Fuse that, there will be countless of ways to use this words, just as we did with the verb staking. more important, fuse will make it possible for anyone to collaterize anything as long as there is a money-market for what they put up as collateral.
Now I hear you thinking, don't we already have that and isn't it called a bank? You're absolutely right, but banks operate within the limitations of what they perceive as value. Value that is made by social construct, such as your house or a pile of gold.
Fuse is trying to fix this issue and make it possible for people to create their own money market and break this social construct of value. For example borrowing against the nodes you're running. As long as there is a money-market for it anywhere, we can fuse it, fix it, fuel it.
Breaking this construct of value is much more important than we might think. It creates a much more fair society, in which we can lend and borrow on a much more reliable way and give people fair chances in life.
There are billions of people without access to a bank, without the possibility to loan, but they do own a cellphone. The possibilities to change the world we live in, is what Fuse is.
Furthermore, Tanks will soon be implemented, which will give people the chance to put assets into fuse, get stables in return and put those stables back to work to earn interest on them.
Now I hear you saying, well this runs on ETH which is killing us small investors with gas fees, now I hear you. I am a small investor too. And nothing is worse than staking your amount trying to keep up with inflation, while all your earnings get lost in gas fees.
For this reason as well, Rari is working on a layer 2 scaling solution. The L2 solution will solve these problems and make high gas fees a thing of the past. Even when you earn the smallest amount, you will be able to enjoy those earnings instead of burning it away with gas fees.
Lastly, the rari team is young and passionate about what they do. I myself as an old fart, respect what they are trying to build here. DeFi is not about just forking a protocol and giving it your own twist. It is about trying to do something different and unheard of.
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