One of the greatest player ever and one of the greatest manager ever, introduced his philosophy of how football should be played

Johan Cruyff gave this message to his Barca team before the European Cup final in 1992

"Salid y disfrutad"
Translation- go out and enjoy yourselves
This is just one instance. He gave this message on numerous occasions

The point of bringing this to light is at present, people think managers should just give tactical instructions before a game. People think these type of statement means the manager is just working on vibes
The tactical instructions are given on the training ground, and during half-time

Enjoying football is very important while playing the beautiful game.
The philosophy of one of the greatest ever manager is that, the players should enjoy playing football and entertain the viewers
Mufc's current manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. When he says in the media, players should play with a smile, go out enjoy and express themselves, that does not mean OGS does not give tactical instructions. The tactical part is done on the training ground or at half-time when needed
This is a basic statement for motivating the players. Even the best managers in the game relate to this.

Btw, I don't speak Spanish
Google translation 😂
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