Today we trained in our game-day kits.

Here are some random notes from the session 📝

Despite being in full kit, some players still chose to wear hats. But that’s ok ☀️
It was Nathan O’Driscoll’s first day training with the full group, while Darcy Tucker returned from injury.

Look at how happy they were! 😄
Tucker looked great out there (but TBF he always does).
We thought O’Driscoll’s nickname was ‘Noddy’ but the players have gone with ‘Drizzy’. Let’s see if it sticks.
Lloyd Meek is a big boy. Which is handy considering he’s a ruck.
They practiced their goal kicking (yes, even the defenders). Can you tell which one went through and which one hit the post?
Michael Frederick worked up a sweat 💦
We rated this orange hair / boots combo Tobe is going with.
We could watch Adam Cerra run and kick footys all day.
Josh Treacy also kicked the football a lot. Here is one of those occasions.
JL was up and about but kept the mask on 😷
In between drills, Heath Chapman and Rory Lobb put their hands on their hips and smiled. As it’s hard not to love footy 💜
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