First, the similarities.

When a person accused has been previously incarcerated, the media never bothers to note the most basic fact: jail before did not "work."

It did not treat the illness, or address the trauma, or improve the person -- it did not rehabilitate.
Instead, wherever a crime occurs, the local media join the police in the call for more of the same: more jail, more punishment, more policing, more arms, more of the same failed policies.

Even though the failures of the past policies are evident, they are not questioned.
Second, the differences.

This crime occurred in Oakland where there's a DA who's happy to join in the chorus of more, more, more punishment. was her office that released this person on bail/O.R. previously and he then committed this crime.
There is no mention of this fact. There is no blame for her. Nobody is attacking her for her past decision to release this person.

Nor should they. Nobody can read the future, incapacitation is not a proper goal of the system.
However, when the crime occurs in San Francisco & the person has also not been "cured" by past jail stints, or the person has been previously released, the local media, parroting the police, blame the same crime on...the progressive DA @chesaboudin.
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