" I have a dream " ... As promised! this will be a thread. We developed these with the most talented @samuelrbarclay , Case Design. We researched every academy in the country and around the world and tried to figure what would a world class " Goan " academy look like....
1. 2 Training Grounds.
2. Stadium
3. Covered field
4. Medical Centre
5. Admin/Hospitality Block
6. International School
7. Water tower / onsite Farming / kitchen
and a lot more.

Sustainability isn't a feature it's the foundation...
The goal was to develop something that becomes a role model for all development in Goa. To show that it is possible to develop something completely sustainably. To be 'net positive'....
We wanted the academy to feel like a food forest. Where you learn about nutrition and your diet by simply walking through the campus. Nutrition being key to professional growth of any player. Only 1 / 100 student would become a star, the rest would become leaders in society.
We would use Bamboo as one construction material, but we would also grow it, if we ever needed more. The site would be 'grown' using permaculture principles. We would open it up to locals to visit over the weekends. To eat the fresh produce and watch their future stars play...
1 football field uses over 1 lac lts. of water / day. we must be conscious of that and ensure that the whole site acts as a rainwater harvesting engine to charge the ground water during the monsoons. Also to ensure that no water is wasted and used across the site.
Why build with steel, concrete or glass, when we are sitting on top of laterite. Use the excavation for building Swales and rain water harvesting pits. The excavation that we do, would give us the depth to build a 'low' ground for a small stadium.
Out of @samuelrbarclay 's play book. Buildings that cool themselves and don't require air conditioning. Modeled after a school he's designed and built in the out skirts of Pune. Also that manage their own water and sewage waste.
I dream a dream.

p.s. forgot to mention our plans for having solar on top of the buildings and the covered field.

Lastly, we don't have the money to do this. I was planning a road trip in March 2020 to Europe to see if I can generate some interest with some investors and then we all know what happened. since @MarcusMergulhao hinted about this yesterday, it all came rushing back.
I am deeply passionate about this and would love to speak to brands and investors that believe in Indian Football. With a facility like this we can light a fire that can galvanise a billion Indians to dream the same dream by 2034. If you are interested. [email protected]
You can follow @akshaytandon117.
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