Lashing out and punching walls is feminine emotional energy.

Always found it jarring when a Supposed leader or manager at a worksite would get ‘AnGrY’ over something out of his control, or a relatively small deal.

Relax dude, the world isn’t ending.
Channel that aggression into something positive, not getting upset and releasing it to the world.

The fully masculine has control over his emotions regardless of what he feels, in order to make the most logical decision and plan the best course of action to deal with the problem
at hand.

If you have it framed that being a man means you need to outwardly express your aggression, It just communicates insecurity. Carry a big stick, but speak softly.

The masculine ritual of making fun of each other in jest has a biological origin.
In caveman era tribes, you had to be able to depend on every mael in case of the situation that another tribe attacks - a high stress situation.

Good hearted ribbing and teasing exposes the weakness in guys -
if they get upset and emotionally respond or freak out in this relatively non dangerous situation, how on earth could you depend on them in Real time of Strife?

This is why every dude has an innate feeling of rejection towards guys who are overly emotional or can’t take a joke.
IT subcommunicates that you couldn’t depend on them if you needed too.

Now, you will not be able to completely ignore your emotions, and it is not advised to suppress them.
Instead, analyse the underlying issue that is creating the emotional thought to arise, and never allow this negative emotionality to express itself when it could harm others.

Hit the punching bag, do some sprints, lift some iron instead.

Be cool, flow like water.
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