Comin' atchya with a long list of reasons you should oppose #HB88 that's up on the House floor tomorrow.

Thread: #idleg #idpol
HB 88 imposes FELONY (!) liability on individuals* who assist in collection or conveyance of ballots. Ballot collection should not be conflated with ballot tampering and fraud, which is already illegal in the state of Idaho.

*non-family members
HB 88 will disenfranchise the elderly & differently-abled people who may rely on third party assistance to collect or convey their ballot.
HB 88 does not allow caretakers, legal guardians, or roommates to collect or convey ballots, leaving Idahoans who may need assistance, but are without family members nearby, uniquely disadvantaged.
HB 88 is over-zealous. A person who knowingly picks up their roommate’s ballot from a shared mailbox would be subject to felony liability. FELONY LIABILITY, YA'LL. I know I keep emphasizing that, but GD.
What else we got, fam? @hillsidehollie
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