It’s really time to grow out of this way of talking about audio (in journalism, not for famouses). You can also write and self-publish a book in three hours if nobody cares what’s in it, but we don’t declare that to be what books *are*.
There’s nothing wrong with yap-and-slap podcasts where you just talk and then throw it in a feed, but that’s not what the form fundamentally is. Famouses, especially dudes, can exist in front of a mic for a while and people dig it, and that’s cool!
But boom-pow-surprise is a choice, in the same way leaving all the mistakes in a book would be a choice.
To be totally clear, there are shows I like a lot that are pretty much live-to-tape! But that’s a quality of those shows that works for those shows. It’s not the very definition of podcasting.
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