only if you circle Missouri first
Europeans love this type of shit and think it's the biggest own. like, of course I know Wales is in SW Britain. it's where the Marcher Lords reigned for a time and they really hate vowels. but the real question is: why would anyone give a fuck?
for the same reason we should know internal British geography, apparently?
responding to a stupid question with a stupid question isn't anger. and if you'd like discourse about the failures of the American education system, I can speak at length. tho what that has to do with circling Wales on a map or why you'd care is beyond me?
imagine using the systemic problems that plague america such as gun violence, school shootings, and a lack of basic healthcare as cudgels for your shitty response. imagine being this piece of shit
look, I'm going to be brutally honest with you Brits: the reason we make fun of you isn't insularity, it's because you're easy to laugh at, just like we are. the only difference is that I've never threatened anyone for making jokes about beans on toast
ftr, Wales is there. it's apparently quite beautiful and I hope it gets independence from England one day
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