Thread on why 2.5 mg oxy wouldn’t get to the patient: the 5 mg pill is smaller circumference than a pencil eraser. Cut that tiny pill in half, hoping you cut it evenly. Some med remains in the pill cutter. Crush that tiny pill in a pill packet. (1/3)
Pour the crushed meds from the pill pouch into a specimen cup. Some pill remains in the pill pouch. Swish crushed pill with water & draw up into med syringe. Some med remains in the specimen cup. Push meds into enteral access tube. Some med remains in the syringe. (2/3)
Flush the enteral access. Some med remains in the enteral access tubing.

There are so many steps from pill to patient when we crush them that many pills can’t possibly make it to the patient with even close to their original dosage, much less when they start off SO tiny. (3/3)
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