Moths are boring? Check these out.
Praeamastus minerva, Bernathonomus sp., Aemilia rubriplaga, Hyperthaema sp.
Ecuadorian cloud forest
Here are a couple of beautiful sphinx moths.
Xylophanes meridanus, Xylophanes pyrrhus
Cloud forest near Nanegalito, Ecuador
I loved how this little orange moth in white socks looked on white clapboard.
Melese sp.
Ecuadorian Cloud Forest
"Rar, we're scary stinging insects!"
Nope, more moths!
Mesothen nomia, Homoeocera sp.
This is one of my favorite moths. So simple and beautiful.
Black-veined Yellow (Pseudischnocampa nervosa)
Cloud forest near Mindo, Ecuador
These Io moths don't look like much until they show you their dazzling eye spots!
Tribe Hemileucini
Ecuadorian cloud forest
Sleeping with on eye open.
Tribe Hemileucini
Ecuadorian cloud forest
Closer to home, one of my favorite day-flying moths to looks for in the summer. The magnificent air shrimp!
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
(Hemaris thysbe)
Ok, one more moth because this is pretty cool. If you disturb moths that look like dead leaves they drop to the ground like a... dead leaf. Neat defensive behavior!
Ecuadorian cloud forest
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