1/ I decided to take a look at Clover Point park with an eye to the proposal going to #yyj Council tomorrow. Given the "Arctic Outflow Warning" and the 0°C temperature, I donned my arctic cycling gear (jeans, a light down jacket, and gloves) and headed out from Vic West.
2/ First note… it is SO EASY to cycle in Victoria since the last round of bike lanes went in. I took Harbour Road to the bridge, then Wharf, Humboldt, Vancouver, Park, Cook, and, finally, Dallas. I did get a bit warm near Vancouver and Park, so I unzipped my jacket.
3/ One benefit of the pandemic is that I've gotten good at adjusting a face mask so that my glasses don't fog. I am definitely going to remember this, as my cloth mask totally rocked in the "Arctic" air!
4/ After seeing some of the reports on social media I expected to have the whole area to myself. It was not to be.
5/ Apparently I was not the only person able to leave their vehicle on the coldest day of the here here in ridiculously temperate Victoria!
6/ Since I was thinking about what the area could be, one thing that struck me was how unnatural the spot is. Don't get me wrong… the seashore is lovely, but the point, itself, is just a spit of lawn. Here's some of the wildlife:
7/ I hope that, when the consultations about the park's long term future start, that people think hard about naturalizing the area. It must have been amazing once. The ocean views really are lovely, though.
8/ Another thing that struck me was just how small the point is. I timed my leisurely walk from the base of the loop up, up the Dallas Rd Waterfront Trail, up to where I left my bike. It took me less than 2½ minutes.
9/ Here are some pictures of Clover Point from Dallas Road. You can see how small it is, and how much of it is taken up by the parking lot and road.
9/ Back up at the top, I ran into Councillor @Stephen_Andrew, who was filming a piece about taking a wheelchair down from Dallas Road. His concern is real. That part of the road is probably too steep for a lot of people, but it's not the only option.
10/ If I had a wheelchair and couldn't access one of the seventeen spots at the base of the loop, I'd probably park on Dallas and take the trail instead of the road. It's both flatter, easier, and prettier.
11/ I stuck around until Councillor Andrew finished his interview, and we had a nice chat. We're close in age, and both have parents with mobility issues. I suspect we may disagree on this proposal, however I appreciate that he took the time to listen and chat with me.
12/ In my case, my mom used a wheelchair for the last few years of her life. She loved being taken outside to roll through the natural world she loved. My dad could walk, but had to stop often. He would have loved the benches. This design would have worked for both of them.
13/ On the way home I stopped at @FinestAtSeaVic. I was delighted to see that two more bike racks have appeared there. I've often had a hard time finding a place to lock up when visiting them. Their "Salmon Candy" is absurdly good!
14/ So, after visiting Clover Point, what do I think? I think the proposal is an excellent start. It's an interim design that repurposes the existing loop. That makes it relatively inexpensive. And it makes sense to do it now, because the sewer construction is wrapping up.
15/ I think it's important to remember that this is a "Proposed Interim Design", and that the plan calls for community consultations about longer term plans for the park.
16/ But, even as an interim design, it adds a washroom, creates a space where people can walk safely, use a wheelchair or walker, sit, picnic, let their kids play, and, yes, park. If more parking proves necessary, it looks to me like it can be easily added north of the loop.
17/ If we dedicate the loop to cars and parking, the only surface suitable for a walker or wheelchair is the parking area, and that's not safe. Furthermore, the parking loop runs around the edge and cuts off the central area from the sea. It also means that parents…
18/ … have to watch their young kids like hawks, because no part of the point would be more than a few meters away from traffic. That's not a good design for a park. Furthermore, keeping Clover Point as a parking loop precludes naturalizing the area.
19/ After visiting, I would like to see a couple of things in the final plan. I'd like to ensure that there are electrical hookups in the food truck area, because I don't want to trade the sound of idling motors for the sound of gasoline generators (nor do I want the pollution).
20/ Also, I'd like the City to evaluate adding additional handicapped parking spaces, both down at the base of the loop, and in the parking area off Dallas where the foot trail pops out. The trail is lovely, and more spots would make both the trail and point even more accessible.
21/ All in all, though, I think this is an excellent proposal, and I hope that Council approves it tomorrow. It will make Victoria a better place.
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