@recobbforazrep you did not allow me to testify today in opposition to #HB2404 (a bill that defies all fiscal conservatism and gives away $3M of taxpayer dollars to a special interest group to invite big brother into women's phones) so, here is my testimony.. 1/n
Chair @recobbforazrep : #HB2404 appropriates $3M dollars of taxpayer funds to promote direct marketing, geotargeting, geofencing to target women and young girls who might be pregnant in order to push them toward religious, unlicensed, limited-service pregancy centers. 2/n
@recobbforazrep In addition to these privacy violations, an Arizona corporation that is ready to take on this amazing contract ($3M without any oversight?! Nice!) is Human Coalition; watch founder discuss harvesting this data for political purposes: 4/n
@recobbforazrep #HB2404 seems like state sponsorship of a particular religious ideology that infringes on the beliefs of all people— religious and non-religious alike— who believe a woman has autonomy over her own body and can make her own decisions.
@recobbforazrep Hi! #HB2404 is redundant - we already have in-home services for pregnant women and mothers. These services have oversight and accountability... (btw I found this by typing in "pregnancy help AZ" into an internet browser it wasn't hard) 7/n https://strongfamiliesaz.com/programs/ 
@recobbforazrep notably, #HB2404 has 1. no oversight or accountability requirements for this $3M appropriation; 2. the only support for the bill coming from religious lobbying groups; 3. no medical professionals speaking in support of the bill... 9/n
@recobbforazrep In conclusion, #HB2404 a special interest $3M tax dollar giveaway for a redundant program; blatant violation of Arizonans’ privacy, while censoring and withholding information about all health care resources available. I ask you to vote NO /end
commmentary: It is really crazy for me to think that as hard as it is for money to be included in the state budget - like it's REALLY HARD we all know it - that this group can just waltz in and ask for this money and actually get it without any real questions asked! What!!!
not only that but they didn't do any stakeholder work in the off-season to try to garner support and it shows. The bill hasn't changed. Lots of promises of oversight/accountability/shared resources, during testimony.. Um, it's a 2 paragraph bill there's none of that in there.
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