nonblack asians on communist twitter need to address holding people in our own friend circles accountable for antiblackness and transmisogyny. the incident that comes to mind specifically is what happened with rachana or a_busy_woman (now deactivated)—
someone who promised to donate to a black lesbian’s fundraiser and not only failed to deliver on her promise but also blocked black trans lesbians who criticized her. she did nothing to stop (or tacitly encouraged) her followers from dogpiling and gaslighting black people
who asked her to pay what she owed, while continuing to build a brand for herself using aave to make viral tweets. the things her followers and friends have called the black women who criticized her have been incredibly violent, while her other friends and followers turned a
blind eye to her behavior, despite black trans lesbians detailing it publicly multiple times on twitter with screenshots. all those women received in return was further harassment, gaslighting, and abuse instead of solidarity in their demands for rachana to pay what she owes.
when it was later revealed that rachana had been using the n-word on twitter when she was 18, which is inexcusable, she deactivated her account, still failing to pay what she owed, address the antiblackness she uses and enables among her followers, and the transmisogyny that she
has perpetrated. she has not issued an apology for any of her behavior.
i too am complicit in this, leaving the work to black trans women to make these demands and expose themselves to harassment instead of using my position in asian communist circles to make my own posts about this situation and directly confronting the people i know who are or were
friends with her. this is part of a larger pattern of communist nonblack asians to performatively condemn antiblackness in far-reaching posts about how “we need to do better” and “address antiblackness in our communities” but fail to address it among our own friends, instead
using excuses such as “they organize irl!” or “they do so much for the community!” as shields for our friends’ abusive, unacceptable behavior. nonblack ppl on asian communist twitter are complicit and participatory in gaslighting black women who call us out and do nothing to
defend them from the abuse they receive, instead forming cliques and group chats where we can share their tweets among people who enable our violence. nonblack people on asian communist twitter cannot hope to address antiblackness in our own communities when we cant
even hold our friends accountable, and we also have material interest in maintaining antiblackness and transmisogyny that we fail to account for as well, such as how rachanas brand was build on antiblackness that she shielded from critique.
we need to be more proactive in confronting our own friends and mutuals, however uncomfortable it may be. we all say this site is horrible and “just twitter” and yet we cant even let go of a tenuous mutual with someone whose unacceptable behavior has been clearly documented and
presented multiple times. running away from twitter or calling these situations “extremely online” is also a way to escape accountability in a community we use when it is advantageous to us and then run away from when we have to confront the abuse we enable. black trans women
cannot escape antiblackness and transmisogyny by “logging off”, and many of them have to use this platform to fundraise for their survival.
if any of you continue maintain a relationship with rachana after this, please demand to her that she pays what she owes. otherwise, you can block me as i have no interest in continuing to interact with people who excuse her behavior.
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