Met an absolute G of a friend this week.

Built 9 businesses in 5 years.

$100M+ Net worth.

500+ employees.

$50M+ deals with billionaires, oligarchs, celebrities.

Some observations from hanging together the past week...
He's always right. Even when he's wrong.

He's chill. Nothing is a big deal.

He's always willing to walk away from deals, even when he's got no guarantee that there is a next deal out there.

He goes out with his employees for steaks, beer and smokes a few times a week.
He studies history, strategy, leadership very deeply.

He reasons from first principles.

He doesn't "think things through" - just goes all in, full-send, balls to wall.
He's that certain he'll make it, the thought of "failure" doesn't even cross his mind.
That being said, he reduces his risk to the minimum.

He follows his intuition more than he follows logic.

He's living with his cousin (reminds me of the Tates brothers).

He's incredibly generous and humble.
Pure abundance mindset.
That's all folks.

I hope this has been insightful for some of you.

Chen out.
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