I’m writing this fresh because I want it to be easy to retweet.

I WANT creators to retweet this.

I want to make an impact in our industry. I’ve seen amazing games fail out of the gate that shouldn’t have. 1/9
Recently a Community Engagement Manager I know asked what people on her side of the fence could do to help creators make better content for games. I realized that over the past year as a full time content creator the problem is never that I need more from their 2/9
teams. A lot of smaller creators act like they need game keys, or paid time. That’s NOT what is needed. They think it is but it’s not. We need games to not fall flat on their face. THAT is what we need. No streamer worth their salt will stream a dead game. We want to stream 3/9
your game for more than 2 days. We want to stream it for a week, a month, 6 months. But we can’t in most cases if it doesn’t launch correctly. There are two reasons your game can fail at launch. It can be a bad game with a large launch or it can be a good game with a bad 4/9
launch. The saddest thing is of course the latter. I want PR people to understand something. If people are not hyped about your game they will not use it for long. If not enough people are hyped then seriously minded small and mid tier creators cannot afford to touch it. 5/9
Your launch matters. If people are not excited on a measurable scale before your launch than we can’t create anything for it. 2020 saw some of the best titles I’ve ever seen fail immediately. Games that should have been front page of Twitch never got above 1000 viewers. 6/9
And that happened because of weak marketing. Content creators aren’t your marketing. We depend on your marketing. And in turn we make sales. In 2 weeks an incredible game is coming out. I will be one of the top streamers playing it for the single day I will, then it will 7/9
be a dead category the next day. Why do I know this? Because it’s been marketed horribly. It’s a VERY good game. But if I said it’s name, you’ve never heard of it. There is NO hype around its launch. And no creators will make anything around it because we cannot afford to. 8/9
If you want us to make content for your games, make your games known. Be loud about them. Put people in charge of your social media accounts who have skill. Maybe sponsor a large creator. As creators we are happy to show it off but only as long as there is an audience. 9/9
You can follow @DaBesJared.
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