Thread about the Mythology & Astrology of Pluto and the 8th House.

Before getting into this, We need to first understand that Myth is map of the unconscious and it can guide and help us navigate it.
In ancient times the myths were re-enacted as temple rituals and later in the theaters as sacred psychological dramas in which the initiates/audience were totally involved in a participation mystique of shared experience and intuitive recognition.
Myth is the dramatization of the contents of consciousness in all its forms. Over the centuries the myths were subtly altered, reflecting new perceptions and concerns. But the basic truths remained.
It is also a direct route to The Plutonian Underworld, in a mythological sense was a sphere of treasures or riches. As an archetypal presence it evokes what is hidden, is concerned with what is unknown and constellates what is dark and in transition.
Pluto’s name means riches, from the idea that wealth was in the resources that lay underground; therefore, we might imagine that wherever Pluto is in the horoscope will show where we are drawn to find its buried treasure.
It is also the ‘door to Dis’. Dis is the Roman name for the underworld god and the location where we metaphorically find subterranean feelings: losses, unexpressed grief, traumatic and shameful feelings, secrets, anger, jealousy and envy.
The Underworld was a shadowy place, but one which could be communicated with, indeed visited and, occasionally, returned from. This journey was made by all the great heroes. They did not go because they had died, but rather because they sought the transformative gifts found there
This Plutonian underwold is where Persephone was brought to by Hades/Pluto, the God of Death. Which brings us to the 8th House.
In the myth, the maiden Persephone is abducted into the underworld where she marries it’s ruler there and returns to the upper world a changed person, no longer a little girl but a woman.
Relating deeply with another person entails a kind of death, the letting go and breaking down of our ego-boundaries and tightly knit identity. We die as a separate ‘I’ and are reborn as ‘We’.
Like Persephone, through relationships and intimacy we are plunged into another’s world. Share parts of ourselves which are usually kept hidden. Acts of intimacy such as sex are a form of self-transcendence, a union with another self where we abandon ourselves to merge with them.
Relationships are the catalysts for change. The 8th house cleanses and regenerates through drawing to the surface (usually via a present relationship) unresolved issues from previous relationships, especially early bonding problems with mother and father.
The ruins and rubble from childhood are excavated in the 8th house. Our more problematic and deeper existential life-statements are uncovered ‘alive and kicking’ in present relationship crises.
With the added maturity and wisdom that years of living bestow on us, we can ‘clean up’ some of the residue from the past, which has coloured and obscured our perspective on life, ourselves and others.
The gift of the 8th house is greater self-knowledge and self-mastery, freeing us to continue our journey renewed, less encumbered by unnecessary baggage.
Individuals with a strong 8th house often experience their lives as a book containing many different chapters, or a long play with distinct changes of scene. These endings and new beginnings may be thrust on us to have an active role in tearing down old structures for new ones.
Sources/References/Books about this topic:
-The 12 houses by Howard Sasportas
-Hades Moon by Judy Hall (Specifically about Moon-Pluto aspects but a very generous portion of it talks about Pluto/Hades and Mythology)
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