I still have 3 hours at least before I'm going to be able to watch the Chicago shows, and no way am I going to be able to concentrate until then. So imma watch/read some of the interviews coming out of #OneChicagoDay and create a thread of all the biggest takeaways.
I'm gonna hit as many as I can in those three hours, but if I miss a big one please send it to me!! I'll try to link all the ones I watch/read so you don't have to go looking for them.
First up is Meet Us At Molly's interview with Brian Tee, Nick Gehlfuss, and Epatha Merkerson:
Nick: "Through [the clinical trial] he's getting to know Dr Sabeena Virani, this new doctor... a little flirtation you may already be picking up on that continues."

So it looks like we could be getting a possible romance between Will and Dr Virani. I was kind of hoping cont.
cont. they wouldn't go there. But this way we might get to know her a little better, since at the moment she's been seen only quite briefly.
Nick: "We naturally find [Will] in a place of re-evaluating where he's at, and, you know, he may be considering leaving the ED even."

eeeeeeeeeeeeeek, Nick you are not good for my nerves. Especially since I found out today that a lot of the Med contracts are up for renewal 😬😬
Meet Us At Molly's interview with Taylor Kinney and Miranda Rae Mayo:
Miranda (on the recent stellaride drama): "For Stella it really rocks her, and I think we get to see just a little bit deeper into her emotional world, and her traumas, and her hurts."

Stella has to be one of my fave Chicago Fire characters, so I am so excited to see her cont.
cont. go through this and learn more about her and her past through this storyline. Miranda also mentions how it triggers her abandonment issues from her past marriage and childhood and I would love to see how those things play into this Stellaride situation.
Miranda (on Stella as a lt.): "I imagine her trying to do what she thinks is the best, you know? And being really rigid, and then kind of discovering that that doesn't really work. That's not how Boden is, that's not how Casey is, that's not how Severide is, these leaders cont.
cont. that she respects, and she loves. And it's really not how she is."

If we do get Lt. Stella I would love to see this type of storyline play out because I think it would give us a lot of great scenes between Stella and the leaders of 51 as she tries to work out who she is.
Meet Us At Molly's interview with Patrick John Flueger, LaRoyce Hawkins and Amy Morton:

(just linking the whole video because there's not really one particular quote i want to pull out, but the whole vid is worth a watch).
Ok here we go, Meet Us At Molly's interview with Jesse Spencer and Kara Kilmer:

(i feel like i'm gonna have a lot to say about this one).
Kara (on Gabby coming between Brettsey): I'd like to think that [Casey] could make some sort of grand gesture, or he could communicate, you know, 'no, you're not like second place, you're not like a consolation prize'. But it's also possible that no matter what he says cont.
cont. she'll still think like 'no i can't do that, it doesn't matter how i feel, or how you feel'. You know, it's very possible she'll still say no, but I kinda don't think so."

A little bit of teasing in there, but it's reassuring that Kara thinks they can work this out.
Jesse (on Brettsey): "Gabby's gone, why was he still bothering to dwell on this? He's gotta look at what's in front of him."

Captain of our ship summing it up best.
Jesse: [Brettsey] are dancing around each other, and he's trying to give her some space, and that's fine for right now, but eventually they just need to get it together, and he needs to put his big boy pants on and ask her."

So Kara wants a grand gesture and it sounds like cont.
cont. Jesse wants the same.
Also side note, Kara and Jesse are serving up absolute fucking looks in this interview. Your ship could never.
Jesse: It was going so well, that's the thing that's so frustrating about it; they had such a good, organic leadup to it, just as friends, and connecting to each other as friends, and being generous with each other..."

He deff sounds frustrated with the way this sl has gone.
Jesse: "I think there's some residual feelings, some roadblocks that'll be... you know, they're gonna get over them, they're gonna move past them..."

He sounds frustrated but also not worried about how this is going to end, which deff makes me feel better about it all.
Kara: "I don't think there's enough space in Chicago for her to take to overcome her feelings for him."

Wow our Queen really said that huh?
Nekia Nichelle's interview with Patrick Flueger, LaRoyce Hawkins & Amy Morton:
Amy (on portraying front line workers): "I think it's vital. The great thing about what's being written for the show this season is that it's sort of tackling everything and you see us out there, completely vulnerable."
Nekia Nichelle's interview with Brian Tee, Nick Gehlfuss & Epatha Merkerson:
Brian: "I feel like Ethan has these high expectations with himself, and everyone else in the staff. And he's got a certain set of rules or guidelines or things that he likes to do, or thinks that are the best way to do things, and it conflicts with everyone else. I feel cont.
cont. like he can soften his approach a little bit. I think he maybe has to learn to be a little more diplomatic in a certain sense. But he still has to run an ED. He has a greater responsibility and that weighs on him a lot."
Nekia Nichelle's interview with Taylor Kinney & Miranda Rae Mayo:
Nekia Nichelle's interview with Jesse Spencer & Kara Killmer:
Jesse (on Brettsey): "... they'll get through their awkward bumps and realise that their affinity for each other is greater than their issues."
Kara: "I like that they have a dynamic of, you know, she's like a total goof, and he actually is too, he just never gets an opportunity to fly his goofy freak flag."
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