👋 After the @joinClubhouse conversation hosted by @sierralnp + @NatBullard + @csvenza and passing the 1k follower mark, I am caving and posting my first 🧵

Be gentle

(1) The Great Climate Convergence: why Climate Tech isn't Cleantech 1.0 https://twitter.com/sierralnp/status/1358855972555345920
(2) "Is this time different?" Everybody wants a simple explanation. Bad news: there is no simple explanation.

As is true for major societal changes, the precedent conditions must exist.

Enter: The Great Climate Confluence
(3) Emotion > Intellect. Climate change is a collective action problem; it will only be addressed by a societal and economic response. In the last 4 years 🔥+🌊+🌪️ + more have made climate change "real" to the markets despite a broad academic consensus forming in the late 1980's.
(5) Renewables are cheaper than fossils. Much ink has been spilled on this topic, but solar + wind keep getting cheaper & better. The marginal electron is renewable because of fundamental economics. New infra = renewable infra. This is recent. It matters. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-19/wind-solar-are-cheapest-power-source-in-most-places-bnef-says
(6) Entrepreneurs and VC's in 2021 >> 2008. Open learning, @Twitter, @Medium, @SubstackInc, the popularization (and demonization) of tech have taken tribal knowledge of starting and funding companies and democratized company formation.

Less $$ + bigger exits = success
(7) The physical is now digital. Everything is internet connected and networked. Ubiquitous & cheap compute + cameras + sensing + AI/ML/MV allow tech to interact and manipulate the physical.

Tech now impacts the physical = 📈ventureable opportunities in climate.
(8) The interest rate environment is a tailwind. Low rates have subsidized infrastructure and Hardware/Infra as a Service models and financing of high upfront capex with low opex.

Perfect for paying for fuel upfront (renewables) or automation (AI/Robotics).
(9) The capital stack has matured. Pre-seed; Seed; Post-Seed; Series A-B; Growth; Infrastructure. Passing the baton of capital to the next stage has become a known art: companies and investors can accurately gauge the reception of their story after achieving milestones.
(11) Venture is a necessary but not sufficient tool in our climate fight. We must know when to use venture, and when other forms of capital and/or policy support is critical.

This knowledge is more disseminated than in the Cleantech 1.0 cycle.
(12) The Great Climate Confluence:

Emotions + Markets
Renewables cheaper than fossils
Democratization of tech and venture
Tech touching the physical
Low interest rates
Specialization of capital sources
(13) We need more.

More capital. More new participants. More policy support. More talent.

Venture backed companies will not save us, but we can help.
(14) A 🧵 by the wonderful climate entrant @jjacobs22 unpacking the discussion:


@DanielHullah @shaylekann @jshieber @andrewbeebe @JohnJTough @posamentier @reubenmunger @Joshmedia @Rick_Zullo @annbordetsky @sierralnp

Tear me down!

Cc @congruentvc
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