What is the objective of the new lockdown hysteria concerning new variants?

Do we really know what the new IFRs and R0 are? Do any of the new vaccines work, we are told now they seem to have low cross immunity?
Why did the Gates Foundation suddenly fund studies of Ivermection, Fluvoxamine and Metformin? Maybe they want out from under the potential blowback on vaccines?

Regardless of the reason, if the trials of these drugs, all suggested for studies almost a year ago and blocked by NIH bureaucrats, are successful, who will be positioned to take credit for controlling the pandemic?
Is the new hysteria designed to make the vaccines look like a mistake? Who gets the blame for this? Hyper seasonality and the currently crashing pandemic will reduce the pandemic to nothing by summer anyway in the northern hemisphere, why now?
Is it to take credit for controlling the pandemic away from the last administration and convince us that Joe Biden is a genius? Do they already know Ivermectin and others work, but it was inconvenient to control the pandemic last summer?
Just questions, I am not a conspiracy theorist. If it works on the old and new strain, I am sure it is just a coincidence. Besides, who would manipulate a pandemic for political, economic and power reasons? No one, I am sure!
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