you know what, thread of a few of my fav artists that dont get enough attention and why you should follow them
@oversaltedcat AND @comradebaguette just do it, I will not fight you on this just do it theyre amazing people with fantastic art
@rainegrah just, incredible art????? she makes some cool as shit and deserves all the hype
@rowenwasntfound and @KXlRAS recent moots but I instantly followed them cuz what the fuck their pinned art ALONE is so beautiful and everything else too???holy shit
@sstoatman1 okay what the fuck how do they have no followers??? his art is so solid and cute??
@trulywanted dude, just, their lighting????? what the fuck its so good how are they not hyped the fuck up her art is insane???
@katsutaaki yo the vibes??? THE FUCKING VIBESSS. immaculate, perfect, just, yes.
@ohsnntt the colouring is so fucking rad dude???? making lineless work look this solid is so impressive, his work is incredible!
@herjun____ just, so soft, so nice, just, very good to look at, just very very nice idk just very satisfying work dude
@isometricmelon some really solid charcter design and colouring dude, so good, so nice, so soft.
@mothsprite just the colouring ym dude, its so good, the vibes are so perfect its insane, I love his work so much
@_taishhu its about the character design. its so fucking solid, just good stuff. really creative and well done character design and concepts
anyway these are just a few of my recent moots who I was surprised by that didn't have as many followers/hype as I expected they had when I first saw their work so go send them some love
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