I'm getting a lot of questions about my questions at the briefing so thought I'd share why I've been asking, and let you know I understand you have strong opinions about whether I'm asking too many or not enough questions about the safety of Saturday's election
A lot of people are questioning whether an election is safe with the record number of COVID cases. The chief electoral officer has said he'd only cancel it if Dr. Fitzgerald says it's unsafe. She's said it's not her job to decide this so we need to understand the disconnect
Even now I'm still confused. Yes Chaulk has the control over the election but if he's going to do whatever Dr. Fitzgerald tells him, and she's saying it's only going ahead because there's no other option, people need clarity on this
Are there other priorities, absolutely, businesses are shutting down, thousands in isolation, we need to understand why this virus is spreading, but we also need to understand if an election where >100k people are going into polling places Saturday is safe
The provincial government limits us to 5 questions. If we get a non answer, or an unclear answer, we have to use up another question to ask it again in a different way, I know there are things that you want more info on, so do I. I had another 10 questions on my list today
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