MyMilitia’s purpose is to link people looking for groups to those groups’ info ecosystems. Traffic always grows during political moments. It’s designed to push users joining at these times to join other 'like-minded people'. This happened with Zello lots:
Zello has, since the previous QT, banned militias, starting (according to a blog post) by 410'ing 2000 channels. Some of this appears to be in reaction to a potential response to their technology infrastructure. This hasn’t happened for MyMilitia.
I get many journo Q's about MyMilitia, mostly trying to find troubling content on the site. Some may be due to needing an account to see. Maybe relevant is this chatter of killing media who are “H.V.T.s” (high-value targets), posted the day after the J6 storming of the US Capitol
This MyMilitia user, Saiga308snipe, has been discussing civil war since at least September. He's this month having an ongoing comparative chat on explosives on MyMilitia’s board for such discussions:
The owner of the MyMilitia site, the aforementioned Josh Ellis, has also engaged in pretty direct discussion of combat ahead of the 2020 election, per @chick_in_kiev:
The site remains online and (mostly) well-functioning, despite activists continuously asking the tech companies that make the site possible why they continue to make the site possible.
Also, even their email list is still pushing out endorsements of election conspiracy theories. This is from within a week:
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