thread on the casual racism and hate hispanics get constantly on mcyttwt

[ rts appreciated ]
first of all. whenever quackity does a spanish stream, we know you cant understand. he barely does these and its The ONE thing we cna enjoy of our favorite cc in our mother tongue. dont be negative about it when you get hundreds of other streams in english ?!
second of all. sp1c and the b slur arent as well known as we thought bc we’ve had many people say it like “what is ___” so here. sp1c stems from the term sp1gg0ty which stems from the fact that hispanic ppl were mocked by the phrase “me no SPIKI english”. the b slur is a mexican-
only slur and i dont know the background as well so mexicans feel free to jump in. anyways these are SLURS with the same amount of history and harmful connotations as any others. you as a non hispanic cannot say it under any circumstance.
third of all. ive only seen a few but being attracted to our language is weird if you dont know the person speaking it. i understand if youre in a relationship and all but if a streamer like quackity or random ppl on the tl speak it, you shouldnt be attracted to them just bc of -
that. its weird. also just wanted to let you guys know that there are hispanics of every single color. this one is for artists. all of them can be hispanic. none of us are less or more hispanic than the other for being a different race. hispanic isnt a race and it shouldnt be -
treated as such. its weird when you want “representation” and make artwork of a “ cc as a hispanic person “ and then make them darker than they are ? this is absolutely disgusting as not only are you invalidating poc but also darkening the skin of a white man ?! the hell. if you-
want to make them out as hispanic, add a flag. our ethnicity isnt our race. learn to differentiate. im a white hispanic obviously, but there are so many other races under the hispanic umbrella. learn to differentiate!!!
thats all i can think of for now but. yeah.
oh yeah i know. mocking spanish speakers and their accents isnt and will never be funny. think about how hard it is to learn another language and then think about how you would feel if someone mocked your effort.
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