Every single person on this planet has some sort of internal racism, especially anti-blackness, that they need to unlearn. It’s so easy for us nonblack people to have black friends and go to protests and think we’re good but that doesn’t mean we get a clean slate each time
It’s so easy for us to think we’re doing a good job for participating in performative activism but it boils down to how you interact with real live black people. It’s easy for everyone to hop on a joke about black people because they’ve been the butt of every joke since year 0–
—so obviously it doesn’t feel wrong. It’s so easy for us to tell a black person how to feel about something because we will never understand what they go through. Anti blackness is a global issue and it exists everywhere there is life.
The process of unlearning racism and anti blackness will always be difficult but just remember that we cannot tell black people how to feel about these issues. It isn’t just “ACAB✊🏻” its actively listening to and respecting black people when they say you crossed a line.
Anti blackness is more than saying the n word and other slurs like it’s also microaggressions and trying to discredit black people and think that you’re smarter or better than someone because you’re not black. That’s the stuff that gets institutionalized and accepted in society
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