Important not to undermine public confidence in schools. Yes, govt should do more. 1/n

Notwithstanding, vast body of ed research shows clear benefits of schooling on:
-learning (of course!)
-soc development
-mental health
-diagnostic & therapeutic services
More individual benefits on: 2/n
-social mobility (generational)

Societal benefits include:
-economic growth
-citizenship and political engagement
-gender and other equity
Benefits aren't automatic and depend on the *content* of ed and other conditions but generally, we see positive outcomes of sustained education with limited disruption. 3/n

This is true across country high-income and low-income countries.
In short, if we have the choice of uninterrupted education or prolonged interruptions, societies should opt for uninterrupted education. 4/n

It's also a basic human right which means not providing isn't an option, especially in high-income countries that claim to be democratic
SO- this brings us to COVID and now. 5/n

Yes. We're ALL frustrated at govt responses.

Absofglutely. (I don't swear professionally but I can't contain it. Sorry - it's just too much now.)

BUT - that doesn't mean we should negate proven benefits of schooling in our advocacy.
When we do that, we play into the hands of govts who otherwise want to dismantle our public ed systems. 6/n

When we get out of this, and we will, it will make it MUCH harder to advocate for resources we know we will need to mitigate ALL the generational harms we're going to see.
It DOES mean we need to argue for:
-First open-last close
-Staggered + phased reopening of schools AND society
-Strong test-trace-isolate
-Strong school-level public health measures (small cohorts, masks, ventilation, etc.)
-Curricular adaptation + intensive pedagogic programs
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