A rancher photographed a jaguar in the Peloncillo Mtns in 1996. We know several have passed thru here since then (possibly including the 1 currently in the Chiricahuas)

There should not be walls here

Jaguars are only 1 of many species that use these mtns as migration corridors https://twitter.com/LaikenJordahl/status/1359577627997073408
The Peloncillos are one of the most important migration corridors in SE AZ/SW NM, a long thin range stretching from Sierra Madres in Mexico to southern reaches of Rockies/Co. Plateau. (See highlighted spine of mtns in blue)
This is 1 example how putting a 30-foot border wall in the midst of wilderness is tragically bad. Few have been to these places, yet this is one under-appreciate place that's vital to the evolutionary history of the continent, connecting 2 major mtn ranges, as @WNborderlands says
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