How to kill rhododendron- a thread-
Size matters-
Scenario 1: small plants, small area infected- pull them out by hand, taking the whole root out, and leave to desiccate on dry ground.
Scenario 2: small plants, large area-
It's possible to rip out machine (rhodo have shallow roots) and store pile to dry and die.

Or spray the leaves in Sep with 1:20 glyosphate mix. I use a hand sprayer, and every leaf must be sprayed or part of the bush will survive.
Scenario 2 continued:
A large scale infestation like that takes years to remove or control. Start removing or killing the oldest plants first, especially hedges upwind of the site.
Rhodo seeds are dust like and are released in January and can travel up to 1km in a storm.
Scenario 2 continued- large areas usually involve multiple land owners. People are naturally lax, and want to keep some rhodo for wind breaks, "pink flowers" etc. This is nonsense, the price of rhodo is complete wipe out of thousands of hectares of land. Way too high a price!!
Scenario 3: large old infestation-
Use a digger to pull the plants out and pile them
However this exposes soil and the gives the next generation of seeds a chance to grow, so clear the whole area in one go, not a bit per year, that won't be effective against quick spreading seeds
Scenario 4- rhodo along water or sensitive area- (digger and leaf spray not possible)
Drill and drop or stem treatment-
-10mm drill bit
-1:4 glyosphate/water mix
-2ml jetted into hole via sprayer
- treat bush base or all main branches
- takes 3 months to show effect
Scenario 4 continued-
rhododendron make good firewood, so claim large branches as logs.
After stem treatment the bush will take 10 years to rot away. Stem treatment keeps glyosphate in the plant and prevents damage to nearly plants, allows recovery like this alder
This is a good video on stem treatment
All scenarios
1)Prepare for years of intervention
2)Repeat visits to kill missed or new plants
3)Repeat visits!
4)Remove your neighbours rhodo if they won't!
5)Safety-ALWAYS wear goggles (minimum) or you may become a sĂșil amhĂĄin. And respect chainsaws!
6)PM me for more info
And and and obey the hedge cutting rules- many birds use rhodo for nesting.
Leaf spray Sep to Oct. Needs dry calm, weather.
Stem treatment can be done at any time of year or weather.
You can follow @felixd0r.
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