I hadn't planned to post this image, but it's been gnawing at me all day. My people are not traditionally a quiet people so CW: the next tweet contains a violent image from the Holocaust. #FireGinaCarano 🧵
#StarWars and #TheMandalorian actor Gina Corano posted this image and this message. She sees herself as the victim, as the person attacked, as the Jew.

The photo is from the Lviv Pogrom, by the way.
The Nazis weren't just the guys in Hugo Boss uniforms. The Nazis were a political party and people were members of that political party. A person who was a member of the political party, but not a member of the armed forces was still very much a Nazi.
Carano identifies herself as the wounded party, as the person who these metaphorical neighbours have attacked. This from a person who has actively posts hate material, include this image from December:
The image above uses anti-Semitic iconography to perpetuate deadly stereotypes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This conspiracy theory has been responsible for the death of MILLIONS. And Gina Carano just slapped it onto her Instagram without a thought.
The Lviv Pogrom was perpetuated by Nazis, a radical far-right Ukrainian political party, and the locals. Sound familiar?
People can have differing political opinions about taxes. Hating trans people. Hating BIPOC. Hating Jews. These are not "opinions." You are not allowed to have these opinions. These opinions make you a Nazi. They make you the villain of your story. They make you dangerous.
It's unclear why @starwars is cool with this behaviour. It's unclear why Carano is allowed to exploit the victims of the Holocaust while @Disney pays her salary. What is clear is that she is a dangerous individual who cannot see her own extremism.
It is people like Carano who stoke the flames. It is people like Carano who call the gestapo, who join the book burning, who toss the stones, and become the mob. She gives those like her permission to do the same. #FireGinaCarano
Between 4000-5000 Jews were murdered in the Lviv pogroms. Before the Holocaust, 30% of Lviv's population was Jewish. By 1944, less than 1% of that population was still alive. Murdered by the local political party, murdered by neighbours, murdered by the army. ALL NAZIS.
But sure, Gina. You're the victim.
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