29/ Anyway, @nytimes, you should publish a counter to your irresponsible cheap, better vaccine website piece and I don't mean just in the @nytopinion section.
30/ One last thing.

You know *how* Airbnb and Uber and all those celebrated tech companies grew and delivered innovative services people love?

By *deliberately ignoring laws and regulations*.

Here's wikipedia entry on Airbnb's regulatory violations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbnb#Regulatory_violation
33/ Another point on why the NYT's "$50" headline is irresponsible and harmful.

COVID-19 is exposing new groups of people to massive deficiencies in government services in general. These deficiencies include underfunding *as well as* bad/outdated/ineffective policy.
34/ For example, @ny_covid is translating their site into 30+ languages.

The point here is *government services should be accessible to the people who need to use them in general*. How many services are localized into 30+ languages at the best of times? https://twitter.com/ny_covid/status/1354515872472313857
35/ But the NYT's story is celebrating that these sorts of deficiencies can be solved by volunteers for trivial amounts of money, discounting time and effort and complexity, *instead of showing that they point to systemic deficiencies in government*.

(1/2) OK wrapping up. I'm excited to be involved in the @codeforamerica Summit for the (4th?) year. If you're interested in government and technology and equity, sign up for announcements & availability AND tickets are just $25 this year! https://summit.codeforamerica.org 

(2/2) and for all of you working in government and adjacent, *thank you for your work* AND the @codeforamerica Summit call for proposals on the theme DESIGNING AN EQUITABLE GOVERNMENT TOGETHER is now open! https://summit.codeforamerica.org/call-for-proposals/
38/ end

I'm gonna go have lunch.
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