I just completed an online mandatory-for-all-employees training about "Harassment in the Workplace."

100% of the harassment perpetrators in the scenarios presented were white and male. The victims, on the other hand were race/sex diverse.
I don't have a union, and can be fired at any time without any reason needing to be given.

So of course I went along with it and checked off all of what I knew would be the "right" answers, just as every other employee doubtlessly did who wanted to remain employed.
At the end of the training, there was a box in which the employee is invited to suggest ways in which the training could be improved.

I think not portraying workplace harassment as something only white males perpetrate would be a start.
However, I left that box blank.

I don't think the people who designed that training, or the people who administer it, have the slightest interest in listening to criticism of any kind.
I think they just want to identify people who dare to speak out so that such "problematic" employees can be terminated in order to make the workplace "safer."
Because nothing says "Diversity and Inclusion" quite like purging everyone who deviates from the one true correct viewpoint.
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