Before we start this is showing the contradictions of anarchism.

Anarchists are inner city liberals and do not get what life is outside of these cities. anarchism will always remain a liberal and possibly a urban ideology due to the ideological difference of in city and out city
Catalonia is a good example of such a idea it follows "anarcho-syndicalism" but you'll notice in catalonia people began to illegalize substances rather than legalizing it. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, even caffeine were banned in their syndicates. while the curbed religious freedom.
let's use the United States as a example, coastal pretty liberal, inner land pretty conservative. do you think they will lose their conservative values the second anarchism arrives? No. not at all. even if they weren't religious they would still hold their values.
if you were a homosexual man inside a commune out in the middle of texas you would probably be hunted down. because the authority from Washington cannot infringe on other people's rights even if the commune voted to make homosexuality a death penalty.
lest if that authority becomes authoritarian and stops the People. they would either allow the continue of killing homosexuals or put a stop to it making the right of the people to vote null. you can replace homosexual with anything here, Black, muslim, italian etc
anarchism can only work if everyone agrees to it, lest it becomes social imperialism
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