#ODX 1/5

A couple of people are questioning the validity of the FT article on Sunday. However, based on the following, I feel there is little room for it to be nothing but confirmation of what’s coming for @OmegaDiagnostic 💥

SS ‘reimbursement costs’ - https://twitter.com/shredz90/status/1348761873404088320?s=21
#ODX 2/5

SS contract confirmed Monday - https://twitter.com/shredz90/status/1358583902558904326?s=21

GAD ‘reimbursement costs’ - https://twitter.com/shredz90/status/1347296833756913666?s=21

It’s key to note that SS & GAD are the ONLY two LFT providers in the country with contracts for ‘reimbursement costs’.
#ODX 3/5

Where Omega come into this - https://twitter.com/shredz90/status/1358510182469423105?s=21

It can’t be stressed enough that the MTA from June 2020 that Omega signed with Mologic (GAD), is the absolute giveaway in terms of clarifying why and how they are 1 of the 3 chosen manufacturers.
#ODX 4/5

A huge factor within the Gov’s decision making process was the manufacturers ability to provide security of supply.

Mologic (GAD) would have stated to the Gov - ‘’We can manufacture ‘X’ LFTs, but we also have a MTA with Omega who can manufacture ‘Y’ of the SAME LFT’’.
#ODX 5/5

Omega would have already been known to the Gov due to the existing UK-RTC contract that was in place. However Mologic (GAD) would have used Omega to strengthen their offering in terms of security of supply.

The Mologic MTA from June 2020 was the making of Omega 🤝
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