Trump has told us repeatedly not to pay attention to his words. He said such concern was merely "political correctness." He said it was only a "woman's concern" or how "women try to control men." He said how he communicates is so unimportant, also he "has the best words."
But what he was really saying was "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." He didn't want us to pay too much attention to his language tricks, for they were the main source of his power. #ImpeachmentTrial
Now his use of words is the essential issue--did he use language to incite an insurrection against the United States? He did. His words prove his guilt.
He loved that his words caused his supporters to rally in DC.

He loved that his words caused his supporters to cheer his name, "stop the steal," and "fight, fight, fight."

He loved that his words caused his supporters to attack the Capitol.

He loved the power of his words.
His lawyers will tell us once again not to pay attention to his words. They will say that our concern is trivial and he did nothing wrong.

His words mattered. His words always mattered.
He was always a dangerous demagogue. Hold him accountable. #ImpeachmentTrial
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