People, please keep in mind that Jensen Ackles said Dean’s reaction to Cas’ confession was left “open to interpretation”. In my opinion, that’s fine I guess, not my favorite but not as harmful as what some people are interpreting as him speaking to Dean‘s sexual orientation. 1/+
If Jensen had said that Dean’s sexual orientation was left “open to interpretation”, (again, he dissent say that) I would honestly walk away from SPN bc there is no way that I could come back to respecting him after that. We don’t live in an equal world. The way it works is, 2/+
we naturally assume everyone is hetero unless otherwise specified through statements &/or behavior. Unfortunately, that’s how our world works. So when somebody is a closeted bisexual, like Dean Winchester, and fans are given permission to NOT see it, that’s not OK guys.
Luckily, and again, that’s not what he said, but it seems like some discussions in this fandom are blending that with what he actually said about Dean’s reaction to Cas, & they’re ok with it.

It’s deeply concerning that some queer+ people and/or our allies think that 4/+
potential ‘permission’ to NOT see us, in the midst of us already having visibility issues, is deeply concerning.

My advice is to hold out for better than to simply ‘take what you can get’.
- My rationale? If you ‘take what you can get’, and it’s still not good enough, 5/+
you’re giving something up.
- And for what? For who?

Every day I keep seeing statements promoting the idea that sexual orientation is “left open for interpretation” bc it’s only seen through subtext.

Folks, that’s not good enough. It never was. We, our themes, are better 6/+
and deserve better than just subtext. That’s always been true, & has always been an injustice set up and propagated by SPN.

I love SPN, I am devoted to the story and the characters… but I hate what they did to me with my own themes and so now, my primary devotion it to 7/+
emphasizing and highlight their good and their harmful messages.

I love the actors, but I’m only as loyal to them as they are to me, and that seems to fluctuate based on the moments they rise (and more importantly don’t rise ) to meet.

In closing, ambiguous sexual orientation that is ‘left open to interpretation” is not ever good enough. We will always deserve better. And I am praying to a God I do not believe in that all of our heroes understands that harm.
End of thread.
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