Can I share a story with you about love, family, and politics?

I know the three don't coexist anymore and that is why I want to share this story because if I'm struggling with it, chances are you're struggling with it too. (1/11)
My Dad is a diehard Republican. So when I turned 18, he ran out and registered me to a Republican.

By the way, don't do this to your kids. They're their own people. Anyway...

Like most 18-year-olds, I didn't care about politics. (2/11)
I didn't care about politics until politics started affecting my life. Then I started voting.

I wanted to make smart decisions. So I did my homework and researched candidates. My Dad tried to make my life easier by saying "just vote straight R." 🙄

No. Don't do that. (3/11)
Don't vote straight R.
Don't vote straight D.

IMO, those types of voters shouldn't be voting.

Over the years I've always voted for the best person for the job — regardless of party. (4/11)
So when 2016 hit, like most Americans I found myself at a crossroads. I disliked BOTH Presidential candidates.

But one candidate worried me so much that I didn't even want my name being affiliated with the party supporting him. (5/11)
The same day #Trump was announced as the Republican nominee, I changed my voter registration to Independent. I found him that revolting.

I never saw myself as an "R" or a "D" because I never agreed with everything either party stood for. So Independent fit me well. (6/11)
People joke that Independents are like bisexuals — they can't make up their mind. The way I see it, Independents seem to be the only ones USING their mind and not following the herd. (7/11)
This is why politics, and families, are so divided. The "you're either with us or you're against us" mentality.

This is why parties aren't talking to each other.
This is why families aren't talking to each other.
This is why everyone is so angry and hurting. (8/11)
It should never be us vs them.
It should never be party over country.
It should never be politics over family.

Yesterday, the last 4 years were summed up in 13 minutes with this video. If you haven't seen it, please watch it. (9/11)
As the #ImpeachmentTrial continues to unfold, I'm deeply disturbed that half our government (half our country) is not deeply disturbed by this too. When you choose party over country, do you really have a country? (10/11)
I'm no longer a Republican on paper and I will no longer be one at the ballot box.

I love you, Dad. But I'm never voting for another Republican again. My heart won't let me.

And I'm ok if you hate me for it. (11/11)
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