Prediction for RWBY (note, I don’t have the premium access so I’m a week behind): the call that was made from Amity Colosseum will not be in vain.
Team RWBY and team JNR and all of the others who are fighting the good fight in Atlas and Mantle will be backed into a corner. They will be on the cusp of losing, despite having made some promising gains. The end will literally be 3-4 frames away, and then it will happen.
Huntsmen and Huntresses from across Remnant will start showing up. The professors from Beacon and Haven will descend upon Atlas, and so will the Faunus from Menagerie, and they will work together to drive Salem back.
Necessary in this is that Ironwood be defeated. He needs to be viscerally shown that his totalitarianism is incompatible with victory against Salem and the Grimm. And also necessary is that Oscar needs to extend forgiveness to him, because people are imperfect.
Something bad will happen to Winter, but I’m not sure what. I’m also not sure what will happen with Penny, though it is a very interesting thread. Making Ruby fight Penny would be interesting, but more interesting would be if Salem took Penny hostage.
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