Rep. Madeleine Deanand Dems are making extensive use of the extensive public record Trump has left them.
Dean shows R officials pleading for Trump to stop.
Dean: "rather than heed that warning, Trump escalated again in early December Trump called Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia"
Now Dean is reminding us of Trump leaning on Georgia's Sec of State.
Dean back up, taking us through Trump's escalating rhetoric on Jan. 6. "He called out Vice President Pence 9 times that day. And each time he got more forceful, here's what he said at 12:15. 'And we're gonna have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is gonna have to come through."
Dean mentions that Trump used the word peaceful once in 11,000 words. But said "fight" 20 times. Then shows the crowd reacting to the violent language.
Dean: "These are not only words of aggression, they are words of insurrection. And if you have any doubt, listen to what he says next: 'Today we see a very important event.. right over there.. I'm going to be watching. Because history is going to be made."
Dean: Trump "lit the fuse and sent an angry mob to fight the perceived enemy, his own vice president and the members of Congress, as we certified an election."
Dean directed much of her remarks at the R side of the Senate chamber, ending with: "They came draped in Trump's flag and used our flag, the American flag to batter and to bludgeon.. For the first time in more than 200 years, the seat of our government was ransacked on our watch"
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