Top Quotes by Warren Buffett🐐

1. “Never depend on single income. Make investments to create a second source.”

•Real Estate
•Side Hustles

Build your income streams up.
2. “If you buy things you don’t need, soon you will have to sell things you don’t need.”

Ask yourself: Is this thing I am buying actually bringing value to my life?

Or am I buying it solely to impress other people?
3. “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.”

Rule #1 of personal finance: PAY YOURSELF FIRST

Every paycheck.
4. “Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.”

In today’s society, honesty is dying.

Be careful of who you are believing & listening to.
5. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

Diversify your money.

Index funds.
6. “Never test the depth of a river with both feet.”

Too much risk can lead to bad outcomes.

It’s okay to take risks, but make sure they are calculated risks.
7. “Our favorite holding period is forever.”

Decade investing at its finest.

Long term mindset.

8. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

Start your portfolio (tree) today.

Reap the rewards (shade) in due time.
These quotes can apply for EVERYONE in life!

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