I understand how desperately people want to believe that all of this was necessary.

For all of the misery, heartache, sacrifice and anger to have meant something. To have saved lives. Protected the health service. Helped us deal with a dangerous new pathogen.

But it's not true.
Lockdowns are immoral and disproportionate. They kill more people and those people are younger. They wreck economies. They change societies. They alter people's psychology in dangerous ways. They are undemocratic.

And once you have set a precedent for their implementation, you
will be forever living under the threat of your government stripping you of your rights without warning or justification.

But even if they did none of those things, they don't actually do the thing they are intended to do. They do not prevent hospitalisations and deaths from
respiratory disease. There is so, so, so much clear evidence of this now. We have conducted a year-long, worldwide experiment and the conclusion is that these measures are not effective. They stop viruses spreading. Of course they do. But clearly, that does not have the effect
that many predicted. The reason for this is basic evolution. By preventing the virus and all of its variants from spreading normally, we have given a massive advantage to the more dangerous mutations. It's exactly the same as overusing antibiotics. The effect of using these
measures longterm against viruses will be to create superbugs that threaten tens of millions of lives. The answer was not to do nothing. It was to encourage as much mixing as possible. Take the normal precautions with the elderly that we always have. But for everybody else, have
the mother of all parties. Put on Glastonbury for six weeks and get the government to pay for everyone's tickets. Flock to the pubs. Fill the night clubs, the theatres, the sports stadia. It's not just about conferring herd-immunity. It's about ensuring that the mildest variants
dominate. We have done the exact opposite of what was necessary.

The vaccine is not the key to regaining our freedom.
Our freedom IS the vaccine.

This has been the greatest mistake ever made in humanity's long history of great mistakes.

Let's at least try and learn from it.
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