THREAD: Here's a new modern dynamic. A professor writes an article, radicalized media makes it into an outrage segment and hordes of flying zombie viewers then flood that professor's inbox with obscene and threatening messages. /1
Female academics are favorite targets.
When I worked for @TheOpEdProject, we had to notify the campus police after an obscure article from one of our colleagues got noticed by Fox & Friends. /2
They have interns who comb through thousands of journals looking for twistable material they can lampoon. She got deluged by nastiness. /3
This happened again over the weekend after a well-researched WaPo oped on the history of buccaneers got featured by the Daily Mail. It wasn't even very controversial (link below) and I doubt the haters bothered to read it. Still: the keyboard warriors swarmed her. /4
To my knowledge, the is no documentation of flying zombies carrying out any of their physical threats. But hearing from them is now a ritual if you get targeted by insurrectionist shows for daring to speak. /5
I want to offer solidarity and encouragement to anyone who has to take this shit. You haven't done anything wrong. Don't let them silence you. /6
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