Drinking alcohol doesn't always have to be UNHEALTHY.

Drinking certain types of alcohol in MODERATION can actually have some surprising HEALTH BENEFITS.

If you're looking to be healthier while drinking alcohol occasionally, these are the healthiest alcohols you can choose from.
1/ Tequila has numerous health benefits (and is lower in calories than Smirnoff vodka). Agavins, the natural sugar found in tequila, are non-digestible (meaning they act like fiber) and won't raise your blood sugar levels.
Furthermore, the sugar is shown to help lower cholesterol and can help you lose weight. Yup, that's right, tequila can fit in perfectly with a weight loss plan if enjoyed in moderation
2/ Red wine. In the end, all wine converts into sugar, which isn't good for you. However, red wine in particular does have some fantastic health benefits. The active compounds in red wine (polyphenols, resveratrol, and quercetin) have been proven to improve overall heart health.
3/ Rum isn't a popular liquor among student, but it should be (for its fabulous health benefits, duh). Made from molasses and other sugarcane byproducts, rum has been proven to enhance mental health in many ways. In moderation, a standard serving can reduce anxiety, for example.
4/ Whiskey. One serving of whiskey contains as many antioxidants as a glass of wine. Try taking a shot of whiskey as your next “fighting off/preventing a cold” excuse. Whiskey also contains ellagic acid, which known for fighting off cancer by absorbing rogue cells.
6/ Champagne. Think you have a bad memory? Then celebrate with champagne more often. The bubbly drink may possibly enhance memory performance. On top of that, champagne can help enhance the quality of your skin.
Next time you're casually having a drink, don't think of it as "added sugar." Instead, see it as improving your health. Choose from this list of healthiest alcohols the next time you're out with friends, and be sure and drink in moderation to reap the health benefits.
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