LETS TALK ABOUT NEERA TANDEN. As of right now, we don’t know whether she has been/ will be confirmed but here’s a THREAD 🧵 on why she absolutely shouldn’t be:
As Bernie Sanders said yesterday, her organization CAP has accepted $38M from corporate America and I believe this money has corrupted her, full stop. https://twitter.com/jordanchariton/status/1359521305096314880
When Faiz Shakir asked Hillary Clinton about her role in the Iraq War, Neera was so outraged that she punched him backstage. When asked about this she said “I just pushed him,” as if either is acceptable.
Neera argued in later leaked emails that we should pay down our deficit by continuing to invade and bomb countries and steal their natural resources. This was a real saying-the-quiet-part-out-loud moment.
For reference, Donald Trump’s position on Lydia was essentially the same.
Here’s Neera expressing her openness to cutting social security. https://twitter.com/alikaung/status/1359128515770281985
Neera has been actively working against the goal of Medicare for all and universal healthcare for decades, whether it has been relentlessly smearing m4a advocates or speaking out against it in committees like this one https://twitter.com/kgosztola/status/1333218340848988161
Here’s another clip where she’s not only arguing against m4a but also displaying how heartless and wildly out of touch she is as she describes battling cancer as an “episode.” https://twitter.com/walkerbragman/status/1334239130713198593
Neera accepted $25M from the UAE whose human rights record is abysmal. We must reject the neoliberal feminism which celebrates woman in power while ignoring their support for the oppression of millions of other women who suffer in foreign countries.
Neera’s friends on Twitter are absolutely repulsive. https://twitter.com/kthalps/status/1359362758870003712
It’s one thing to be completely ignorant about nuclear waste. But why declare her shitty opinion on it then? It is dangerous to have someone that asserts completely uninformed views anywhere near public office. https://twitter.com/kgosztola/status/1359555077418156032
She claimed that Bernie is a Russian plant. These type of comments reach the level of delusion where I’m genuinely concerned about her mental health. Bernie is the Budget Committee Chairman. How can she be expected to work with him while believing this claim to be true?
She outed a victim of sexual assault n the workplace.
Here’s an idea: murderous, racist thugs who oppress Palestinians under an apartheid state should not be invited for friendly conversations. 🙃
Again, her views on foreign policy are where she is the most dangerous. This mentality is so obviously arrogant and unethical and yet she proudly tweets this out. Who are we to “police” other countries?
Neera Tanden is a neocon, a corporate tool, a heartless person and an absolute child. Comment below with any examples that I missed and please continue to boost the hashtag #StopNeera
You can follow @ComradeHEwas.
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