By the way, my anger at adulterers has a deep root.

You know what I did 2 days ago?
I told my husband, "I'm so sorry, but I did get feelings for someone. She didn't do anything wrong, she just was a kindred spirit."
And you know what he said?
He said, "You can't control your feelings, only your actions. Thank you for choosing me every day."

And I do choose him.

I choose him because I know feelings, like mushrooms, can spring up out of the ground. I know that I could be a polyamorous person w/ a heart that...
....could expand to hold & love a lot of people (and he knows that too!) but I don't want to add that level of complication to our lives.

And always, ALWAYS, since the day we got married, we knew that about each other. We've said, openly, "I'm having feelings for someone" &
....used that as an indication that we PROBABLY need to spend some more time together, & invest in our marriage. (We did discuss polyamory once.)

I hate, hate, liars & adulterers, because they COULD make healthy, loving choices like this, & choose not to. They could be honest
...about their hearts BEFORE issues come up, & they choose not to. They could put the other person's needs before their own, & they choose not to. So yes, I have a problem with people who do that-- people like Joss Whedon, people who lie & use other people as shields.
But it's not coming from a place of hypocrisy. It's coming from a place of deep understanding. If I can be brave, so can they. Lies have no place in a marriage, or any loving relationship
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