ALRIGHTY party people! Impeachment Trial Day 2 is about to begin! You can find my unfiltered and profane coverage in this thread, and far more professional coverage over on my Medium 
Here is my coverage from yesterday via Twitter:
A video is currently playing where a man yells "We were invited by the President of the United States!" And another video of a woman justifying her actions saying "I thought I was following my president... what I was called to do."
Rep. Neguses is saying that Donald Trump caused great harm by not immediately and not strongly condemning the violence. Instead called them very special and loved!
There is an affidavit from one of the rioters and "Spaz" said he would have killed Mike Pence if given the chance. Another said, "We were looking for Nancy [Pelosi] to shoot her in the friggin brain but we didn't find her."
Dozens of the rioters are saying they thought they were following then-President Trump's orders
Neguse is now thanking then-Vice President Pence for asking Congress to certify the vote *that night* even though it was very late as it was after the insurrection was broken up and it was deemed safe.
He is asking them to simply uphold the law as they all pledge to do (ha) by voting to convict former President Trump
Raskin introduced Rep. Joaquin Castro, who is going to give a play by play of Trump's fraudulent claim he won the election, and how much damage he did to the democratic process and how he spent months building this lie before the election.
He accurately says the attack was obvious and preventable. He is going back to before the election, when Trump was 15 points down in the polls and on July 19th did not say he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power *for the first time*
On September 23, 2020 (41 days before the election) Trump answered a reporter, asking about a peaceful transfer of power, with "There won't be a transfer frankly there will be a continuation."
"Trump was given every opportunity to [tell his supporters] there would be a peaceful change of power [if he did lose]."

He points to a May 24 tweet - far before the election - where Trump wrote "It will be the greatest Rigged Election in history" which was an
impossible claim for the time that was only used to rile up his supporters. Make them angry.
"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged" -Trump, at a rally on 8/17/20, among many rally videos of the same sentiment
And interviews. And press conferences. Anywhere he spoke, he stoked the flames of white supremacy and his lie about election fraud.
A montage of Trump supporters were asked if there was any way that Biden could win. They are all saying Trump, no matter what, would win or the election was rigged.
He asks the fellow Senators would be allowed to say that, or incite their supporters in such a way.
Especially if that is a lie!~!!!!!!
Whoop we are at election night/week. How the night started and then turned towards Joe Biden. Then how as Biden began to lead, Trump urged the voters to "Stop the Steal" and ask them to "stop the count!" And they literally did attempt to stop the counting!!
He convinced his supporters to be angry and that if the votes continued to be counted, they would lose and it would be a rigged election (false! Joe Biden did rightfully win the election)
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