1/3 Someone asked but then deleted an excellent question:

"How are you distinguishing between what you call 'muckrakers' vs. folks like me that feel like we haven’t been given nearly enough clarity on this?"

I'll answer anyway:

It's pretty easy--
2/3 Muckrakers LOVE fomenting scandal. Their first instinct is to give an ugly rumor maximum exposure. Once they have chosen a target they will twist every fact and embrace every rumor to make their quarry look bad. If an accusation gets no traction, they’ll keep making new ones.
3/3 Honest questions typically aren't asked via social media, & they aren't phrased like blackmail threats with short deadlines by people who clearly don't care about facts but are just itching to publicize an ugly allegation to stain a person's reputation.

See 1 Tim. 5:13.
PS: The very worst of the muckrakers make a full-time career of trafficking in scandal. Be wary of the individual who practically never writes or says anything truly edifying—and who apparently sees no person of prominence as worthy of basic respect.
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